Selling a bike is like selling a piece of your soul. I feel like a cave dwelling hoarder when i think about selling a bike because i just have that instinct to keep every bike i've ever had and mount it on the wall like some trophy that will tell my story through the ages. "Oh that was the bike i won my first super D on." "That was the my first set of disk brakes." "See that Carbon Frame broke in two?" Yea thats a first." Im sure Pete can understand what I'm talking about. Bikes are an integral part of our development and maturity and carve a place in our hearts. When people walk by outside our garage and they see 5 bikes lined up with 5 more hanging from the rafters they bellow out; "Geez you got enough bikes?" I say "Not yet, and probably never will" They are a road map of our lives and adventures and can tell a story better than most. Selling them is hard but it also tells the story as it's passing on. Selling a Turner is like giving up a child. But you say to youself, "This is the greatest gift i can give someone." And with that you pass it on. The perpetual cycle of giving. Team Perpetual
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